Welcome to my corner of social media growth, inspiration, and a little bit of pretty lol! Oh who am I kidding, A LOT OF PRETTY Y'ALL! This is my outlet to share my passions about— BEAUTY, MAKEUP & SKINCARE!
Working with those who are ready to make an impact in their lives making multiple streams of income is what it means to turn a hobby into a career! Before Seint Beauty & living as a full time content creator working with brands, I was Samantha Abraham the pageant Queen of Queens, military wife and mom with no life of her own!
Let's fast forward as I pain the picture! I'm married, 4 kids now, living as a military wife in and out of the country. Honestly, that was one of the happiest times in my life; however, I still remember feeling lost and unfilled like I was meant to do something else. I felt as if I was in my husbands shadow and I loved him dearly, but I felt out of place. To be completely transparent , I felt guilty for feeling this way because I should have just been grateful for the life I had.
Well my family and I finally landed in Tennessee and after working in the healthcare industry for 14 years, I quit my government job to finish my bachelors and care for my family while starting my own business as I worked on winning an International beauty pageant. SHEESH, that was a lifetime mouthful LOL! YES, crazy, I know!
Hi I'm Samantha
I was tired of making other peoples dreams come true! It was time to do something for me.
Enough was enough!
You are thinking, job security out the window! Aren't you too old for pageants? A successful business is hard work girl! Well, I did it and it was the best decision I ever made, I won my dream beauty pageant title as Mrs. Cosmos International 2020, and I started my own business working with brands, blogging and started pageant coaching on the side. It was then I discovered i want to teach other women about beauty, makeup & skincare!
I wanted more for myself! I desperately wanted to be a part of the beauty industry, but I thought I could never do it and gave myself plenty of excuses as to WHY NOT RIGHT NOW. I also thought I had to become another person in order to do so and shield away all the shameful parts of my life or be picture perfect. WRONG!

I never looked at being an beauty influencer or content creator as an actual career and didn’t want my education and investment go to waste. I invested 2 years of my life to learning social media and working with brands while creating multiple streams of income. I will tell you that through the process I learned of social media strategies, trends, BUT finding a new audience from scratch was the hardest I would ever have to do after coming out of the pageant industry.
However through the growing pains, I've been blessed to be able to work with brands such as Amazon, OFRA Cosmetics, Mented Cosmetics Estee Lauder, Osea & Sephora as well as small brands. My love for content creation GREW as I made a place at the table! Being 40, there are so many changes that you go through and aging shouldn't be a struggle or pricey with the tag of the fountain of youth because it doesn't exist OR DOES IT!
When I worked as a freelance makeup artist in the past I always want to have my own brand of makeup to sale to clients . Well that dream came true 6 years later when I found Seint Beauty and not only is a substantial part of my income, I'm able to train and build a team to lead beauty business owners, as influencers or just plain moms want to make extra money!. I am a multiple streams of income kind of girl and I noticed many beauty influencers were creating beautiful makeup content and send their community to Ulta and not get a dime for all their hard work or they were purchasing from brands hoping to get a discount code, BUT most importantly that women are following influencers words and creativity and spend tons of money on products they do not know how to use! As a woman of color, I also understand the struggle of finding the perfect foundation shade and/ or just the right fit for colors that look beautiful on your skin tone.
I take great pride and I'm overly passionate about enhancing beauty, confidence and teach women to love themselves again while taking care of their skin even on a budget! With every color match I customize tailored to the individual woman, I take my time and once you make your first purchase with me, you are no longer my customer, you are my client! With over 20 years experience in the beauty industry, working as an aesthetician and professional makeup artist doing weddings, fashions shows and photo photography makeup, I treat you as if you are in my chair! My client have access to free makeup classes, 15 minute one on ones, and assistance with their personal skincare! They also do not have to worry about over spending either any more at Sephora or Ulta!
IF THIS SOUNDS LIKE YOU, THEN IT'S TIME TO FILP THE SCRIPT! Join me in the freedom of OWNING WHO YOU ARE AS A WOMAN, learn easy makeup you can do that's great for you skin & starts with a simple color match or join my team and become a Seint Artist!
Follow me on TikTok, Instagram & Pinterest for great beauty & makeup tips for women over 40, skincare tips that'll turn back the hands of time without breaking the bank while you embrace your mature skin, grey hair and whatever life throws your way!